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The Effects of Smoking and Nicotine Addiction

The first and fundamental effect of smoking is a nicotine addiction that can prove very hard to break. The 1988 Surgeon General's Report, "Nicotine Addiction," concluded that pharmacologic and behavioral characteristics that determine tobacco addiction are similar to those that determine addiction to drugs such as heroin and cocaine. Put simply, nicotine is a highly addictive drug and has historically been one of the hardest addictions to break.

Like all addictive substances, nicotine has fleeting pleasurable effects. However, over time, most smokers continue smoking simply to feel normal and stave off the effects of withdrawal. If you are a smoker, when you quit smoking and the blood level of nicotine falls, you usually develop withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms begin within a few hours after having the last cigarette. If they are not relieved by the next cigarette, withdrawal symptoms get worse. If you do not smoke any more cigarettes, the withdrawal symptoms peak after about 24 hours, and then gradually ease over about 2-4 weeks.

The symptoms of nicotine withdrawal include

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) provides nicotine - in the form of gums, patches, sprays, inhalers or lozenges without the other harmful chemicals in tobacco. It can help, when quitting smoking, to relieve some of these symptoms so that you can concentrate more on the psychological aspects of quitting.

Champix is the first non-nicotine medicine specifically designed to help people stop smoking. Champix is a unique smoking cessation prescription product and works in a completely different way to existing therapies. It has a unique dual action, which means it that it can provide relief from the cravings and withdrawal symptoms smokers experience when they have quit smoking and also reducing the chance of a full relapse but reducing the satisfaction of smoking a cigarette.

Order Champix Online today and begin the start of a nicotine free life


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